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How to speed up fat loss and get out of a weight loss plateau

It's the most frustrating feeling in the world. You're tracking your calories, eating in a deficit and working out regularly but everyday you check the scale but it's still the same as yesterday. I'm very familiar with that feeling and I hate it because it feels like all that work and discipline has completely gone to waste. Why does losing weight have to be so complicated? I’ll teach you how to speed up fat loss and get out of a weight-loss plateau.

When it comes to diets and losing weight, math does not matter and 4-2=10. It's just the way it is, so better you learn how the math really works so you can get the results you really want.

Today is your lucky day because I'm going to teach you how to solve that complicated math problem of losing body fat. I know it seems more complex than rocket science but it's really very simple if you know what to do. So if you want to learn how to get rid of your stubborn belly fat then continue reading and by the end you will have the knowledge to achieve your goals.

The first thing I'm going to explain is why your weight isn't going down, even though you're being very strict and following your diet to a T. It can actually be from a few different reasons, possibly more than one.

The most common reason why people face a weight loss plateau is they aren't actually eating in a caloric deficit even if they thought they were. This can happen from two things. One, they aren't counting the calories correctly, not weighing anything, eyeballing it or just not knowing the amount of ingredients used when preparing the food themselves.

The second reason and the most common one is burning less calories from exercise than they figured. You workout 5 days a week for an hour each time so you put that into a metabolism calculator and it says you're burning 3200 calories a day. Cool, so just eat 500 less than that and you’ll have 1lb of fat loss per week. This is going to be so easy you tell yourself. Then, after a few weeks you notice you aren't losing weight. You should have lost at least a few pounds by now, what's going on. You start to worry and wonder what you're doing wrong so you start searching Google for the answer.

The reason is you most likely aren't burning that many calories when you workout. Just because you're working out 5 hours a week doesn't mean you are doing it at a high enough intensity to burn that many calories. Walking on the treadmill for an hour is a lot different than running at 8mph. So be realistic when you use those calculators. If you feel like your workouts aren't that intense then be sure to factor that in when you estimate how many calories you burn in a day. The best thing to do is use a fitbit or some kind of fitness tracker so you know exactly how many calories you're burning. This way you aren't guessing and you can get the best results possible.

So now onto reason number 2 on why you aren't losing weight. This one is caused by your body's ability to adapt to a diet after a little bit of time has gone by. If you're eating the same calories everyday, your body will go into energy saver mode, just like your iPhone does, in order to burn less calories. So eventually you're burning the same amount of calories you're consuming and you're no longer in a caloric deficit, stopping you from losing weight and shedding the pounds.

This is called metabolic adaptation and it’s the cause of the infamous weight loss plateau almost everyone has experienced at least once in their lives. Now In order to prevent it from starting you MUST NOT eat the same calories everyday. I can't say that enough. If you do, YOU WILL eventually enter a fat loss plateau, and even worse, when you eventually quit the diet, you'll be in a caloric surplus and all the weight will come back, all your effort down the drain. Don’t let this be you.

This is the cause for what people call "Yo-Yo" dieting. It's when your weight is always going up and down through extreme swings. If you don’t want this to happen to you then lose weight the right way so you can keep it off forever. Do this by learning the proper way to diet.

So what you'll need to do in order to prevent this from happening is eat different calories everyday. Alternate between high calorie days and low calorie days so your body never gets a chance to learn your routine. Your body is very smart. Back when humans were living in caves and didn’t know when they would have their next meal, it learned how to conserve calories for survival.

The most important thing with any diet is the average calories consumed per day, as long as that number is in a deficit, then you will lose weight, without your results stalling after a few weeks. Also, when you stop the diet, your metabolism will still be strong so you won't gain the weight back.

Now another reason why people stop losing weight is not because of calories, but actually from the way their hormones and insulin affect fat burning in the body. Hormones and insulin play a vital role in your body’s ability to burn fat and lose weight. If you aren’t doing the right things, then they will completely ruin your chances of ever losing weight, even if you are in a caloric deficit. This is why I say it doesn't have anything to do with calories. You can literally be eating in a large caloric deficit but because of the role hormones play, you won’t lose any weight.

This is probably the number one reason people get stuck when trying to lose weight. Finding themselves working about every day and eating just about nothing but the weight won’t budge. They’ve already severely damaged the metabolism, now if you factor insulin and cortisol into the equation, you end up getting stuck in a weight loss plateau and not losing any weight.

The reason this happens is because when your insulin spikes from raising your blood sugar by eating any kind of high glycemic food, the body won’t burn any fat for the rest of the day. The reason is because you are actually taking your body out of fat burning mode and putting it into fat storage mode. The reason is your body is actually designed to eat carbs at night not during the day, very different from what we’ve been taught all our lives.

They say only eat carbs during the day, never eat them past 5 or at night. You always hear it from anyone who is trying to lose weight or working in the health and fitness industry. I’m here to tell you they are dead wrong and it’s the reason losing weight has become one of the most difficult things you can do. It’s because everyone believes you are supposed to eat most of your carbs for breakfast when that’s actually what causes you to gain the most weight. This is what most people do and now you can see why most people have such a hard time when it comes to losing weight and getting to their goals.

Well the good news is now that you know the truth about losing weight and you can finally start using the right methods and start getting the results you’ve always wanted. All you have to do is follow the right process and you will get such good results you’ll feel like you’re dreaming. The weight will literally start to melt away like butter. It will be so easy you won’t even think you’re doing anything. You’ll wonder why it took you so long to find the real solution to your problem and wish you found it sooner. All that time and hard work was for nothing.

But don’t worry, once you get the body you’ve always wanted, none of that will matter anymore. Just start losing weight the right way now so you don’t waste anymore time going forward.

So now let me explain what the best method is to lose weight fast and easy. Also, how to keep it off permanently. It’s basically a combination of carb cycling, the Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting. It combines all 3 to create a super diet that burns fat extremely fast but doesn’t damage the metabolism so it stays off and doesn’t come back. But it really only works if you do weight training and that’s another reason you can add to the list about why it’s so important to do strength training.

So what you do is stop eating carbs for about 5 days. Eat no more than 30 grams, not including fiber, per day. Then on your next weight lifting day, after you workout around 3-6pm, you will eat all your carbs. You want to eat high glycemic carbs, things like white rice and pasta. This will spike your insulin, which is what you want on this diet, but since you’re eating them at the right time, your muscles will actually use them to help with recovery, instead of the carbs going straight to your fat cells and being stored there indefinitely. Your fat cells actually get closed off during this process as your body is now in muscle recovery mode and wants to use all the calories for that not fat storage.

So now you’re using your body’s hormones to help with weight loss instead of being the cause of your weight gain. Now, on days you don’t lift weights you’re going to eat no more than 30 net carbs before 5pm then after you can have one carb meal. It can be with dinner or a night time desert, your choice. But all that matters now is that you will be losing weight consistently since you’re using your body’s recovery system now instead of fat storage, the way it’s supposed to be done. You also get to eat all the foods you love so you won’t ever feel like you’re on a diet.

If there ever comes a time when you need to store fat, now you know how to do it. But for now, stick to losing the fat and losing weight so you can achieve the body you’ve always wanted. Hope you’ve learned something from this article and if you want to try out my 21 Day Weight Loss Program using the methods in this article, then just sign up for free to get started. I look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your weight loss goals.