Why weight loss surgery doesn't work in the long-term
Why weight loss surgery doesn't work in the long-term
Why people gain weight back after weight loss surgery.
Why people get weight loss surgery
Why you gain the weight back after weight loss surgery
Weight loss surgery isn't safe
Weight loss surgery is expensive
People think surgery will be fast and easy
Weight loss surgery alternatives
The stats are damning. According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, only 25 percent of people who underwent bariatric surgery between 2011 and 2014 remained with a healthy weight at two-year follow-up. The rest were back above their pre-surgery weight or had even gained more than they started with. These figures aren’t unique to one surgery type or patient group—research shows that similar outcomes apply to all surgical weight loss methods; they simply don’t work in the long term. Why? Because there are biological and psychological reasons why most diets and surgeries fail, regardless of how well intentioned we are as individuals.
In this article I will explain why weight loss surgery doesn’t work long term and why you should think twice before choosing it. I will also teach you what some of the alternatives are for weight loss so you don’t have to choose surgery as your only option for it. I hope you find this article useful and are able to use it to help you reach your weight loss goals and get the life you truly desire.
Why weight loss surgery doesn’t work in the long term
These days many people are choosing to get weight loss surgery after they've tried many different diets that seem to only keep the weight off temporarily. They believe it's impossible for them to lose weight by just eating healthy and exercising, so they choose the alternative which is surgery. They end up gaining their weight back because they never addressed the root of the problem which is psychological.
If you have a problem with overeating and you let yourself gain an excessive amount of weight and think you'll just get rid of it through surgery, then you my friend are mistaken. If you continue with your poor eating habits the weight will begin to pile back on and you will need to get the surgery again. Some people get these surgeries multiple times in their lives, never addressing the true cause of their overeating problem.
If you truly want to lose weight permanently you need to first figure out why you can't control your eating habits and why you lack the self control to stop yourself from eating way too much unhealthy food. Once you can figure that out and work on fixing those issues, you can begin to adopt a healthy lifestyle. If you can control your eating and only consume the calories your body needs to function, you will lose weight naturally and safely. You will also change your lifestyle permanently and it becomes much easier to adhere to the longer you stick to it.
You just have to learn the right way to diet and exercise so you get long lasting results and actually enjoy living a healthy lifestyle. If you try to lose weight using fad diets or diet companies like weight watchers, you will never get results long term. These things never work because they are designed to give you quick and temporary results so they can say how great they work and get more customers.
The reality is these diets destroy your metabolism, so when you want to stop the diet, all the weight comes back. And it's even harder to lose the next time turning into a cycle of losing weight and gaining it back. A term they call yo-yo dieting. You don't want to end up in this trap, it will lead you down the path towards weight loss surgery and keep you stuck there, permanently damaging your body and health along the way.
Why do people choose to get weight loss surgery
It’s a very drastic decision to choose to have a surgery performed and go under the knife just so you can achieve the weight you truly desire. And that’s all you get because weight loss surgery doesn’t actually make you a healthier person, the same way losing weight naturally does. You still have your unhealthy habits that will continue beyond the surgery and eventually cause the weight to return. But besides that, you haven’t removed any of the fat that lies within your arteries and organs. Without the removal of this fat called Visceral fat, you still are at risk of developing weight related diseases that can be very serious.
Most people who choose to go that route don’t understand this so they believe once they successfully complete the surgery that their health will now be considered good and they can begin to live a healthy lifestyle going forward. That’s not the case though, and most people who get it, don’t live a healthy lifestyle after. This is really bad because they think they are healthy so they can continue to eat unhealthy foods but the Visceral fat now begins to build up even more than before. Without knowing it, they are now becoming more unhealthy than before they had the surgery.
This is one more reason why weight loss surgery should never be chosen as a way to lose weight. You’re not becoming a healthy person by doing so and you are most likely becoming even more unhealthy without even realizing it. So before you consider getting surgery, just know that you are not becoming a healthy person overnight. You still need to change your unhealthy habits and begin to adopt healthy ones. But if you’re going to do that you may as well just loose weight the natural and safe way. This way you can create permanent habits and truly become a healthy person for the long term. Also, your health will improve much faster and you won’t have to worry about any of the side effects associated with getting a dangerous surgery performed.
The reason you gain the weight back after weight loss surgery
As discussed in the prior paragraphs, most people gain their weight back after they get weight loss surgery. As explained before, the reason is mostly because they never truly adopted a healthy lifestyle and healthy habits. They are still doing the same things that caused them to gain weight in the first place. Obviously this will cause the same problems that you tried to solve by having the weight loss surgery done in the first place. This is exactly why weight loss surgeries never work in the long term and should never be chosen as a way to lose weight.
Now, you would think that making your stomach smaller would cause you to eat less calories and force you to lose weight. And if you’re eating less than you are healthier right? Well in theory that does make sense. But like I’ve stated before, just because you’re eating less doesn’t mean you’re eating more high quality and healthy foods. Eating a smaller portion of unhealthy foods is still having a poor diet, one that’s lacking any important nutrients the body needs to function at a healthy level.
But even if you are eating less food, that doesn’t mean the weight will stay off. Your stomach can adapt to many changes and it can change its size depending on the volume of food that it has to digest. If you are addicted to food and your stomach is now smaller, it is only a matter of time before your stomach begins to get bigger so it can support your unhealthy diet that consists of large portions of unhealthy foods. It will take some time of course but it will eventually happen and at that point you are back to square one, eating the exact same amount of calories as before. Now you will begin to gain weight again, eventually ending up at the same weight that you were before the surgery.
Most people at this point will choose to have the surgery performed again, thinking that this time they will make the necessary lifestyle changes to make sure the weight doesn't come back the second time. But again, that just doesn’t make any logical sense. If you were going to make those changes why wouldn’t you just do them and lose the weight safely and naturally? The answer is, it’s because they won’t make those changes and most likely the stomach will increase its size again causing the weight to come back for the second time. This is not good, the stomach can only do this so many times before becoming severely damaged to the point of developing a major health problem.
So at this point you can see that getting weight loss surgery performed is not a wise choice and will only lead to more severe health problems down the line as a result. So if you understand what I'm saying and you’re trying to lose weight, I would scratch weight loss surgery off my list immediately and prevent yourself from ever having to experience any of these problems. Just learn how to lose weight the safe and natural way by figuring out the cause of your overeating problems and fix them. Then you will be able to stick to a healthy diet and lifestyle and you will lose weight safely and long term without the worry of any major side effects that come with having any kind of weight loss surgery.
weight loss surgery isn’t safe
Many people have died from having a weight loss surgery, either during the procedure or shortly after from the complications the surgery caused to their body. People who get these surgeries done are very unhealthy to begin with and having a surgery done when your body already has many major problems to begin with is a very risky choice. I know most of these people have lost all hope and feel this is the only option they have left. But fortunately for them this is far from the truth.
It is never too late to change your life and begin living a healthy lifestyle, one that’s void of developing any major health problems. What you need is an expert by your side that can help guide you through the process to make sure that you successfully reach your desired and critical goals.
The last thing you need is a doctor, who knows the surgery isn’t safe, telling you that your only option is to have it done so they can benefit from it financially. They don’t care whether you win or lose, all they care about is you paying them for their unsafe and risky services. They aren’t there to support you, they are there for you to support them and their bank accounts. You don’t want someone like this in charge of your health and life, it won’t help you solve your problems or achieve your goals.
An expert would be someone that has extensive knowledge and experience in the weight loss field that will help to support you and guide you to your goals and achieve your desired results. Weight loss surgery is very expensive but working with a professional weight loss coach is actually much cheaper and much safer and effective. This is exactly what we do at Cardone Fitness, so if you are searching for one reach out to us and we will explain the process for you and show you how we will help you reach your goals.
We are not your average personal trainer. A personal trainer is someone who teaches you how to workout and pushes you harder so you can see better results. We are much more than that but we also include that too. Cardone Fitness is a weight loss and lifestyle coaching program. We will help you with everything in your life that you need to achieve weight loss safely and naturally. We will be with you every single day to make sure you stay on track and stick to the plan that we design for you. We answer all of your questions that arise and solve any problems that come up. We meet with you every single week in a live 1 on 1 video call to give you added support and keep you motivated. We don’t stop until you reach your goals then we teach you how to maintain it for the rest of your life.
If you can afford to have a weight loss surgery done then you can afford to hire a weight loss and lifestyle coach. If you have tried everything else then this is the only thing that will ever get you the results you desire. Let’s face it, if you can’t do it alone then you really need an expert in your life to make sure you are doing everything right and hold you accountable to your goals. It’s no different than hiring an expert for any other problem that requires expert help. The only difference is that this is your health and body we are talking about, and you only get one body in this life, you can’t buy a new one even with all the money in the world. That’s why this is the most important decision you will ever make in your life, one that you will never regret making. Your life will be changed forever and you will finally live the life you’ve desired for a long time.
So if you're looking to achieve weight loss safely and naturally then please hire an expert weight loss and lifestyle coach to help you. It will make it so much easier and faster so you don’t waste anymore time trying to figure out this problem on your own and making it worse in the process. You can never regain lost time so the sooner you can make the decision to work with a weight loss coach the more time you will save. You will take your life back and finally be able to live a healthy lifestyle that you can enjoy and feel good about. Your old life will just be a distant memory from now on and you will enjoy every minute of your new life. You also won’t ever have to worry about the consequences of weight loss surgery and the problems that come with it because you will have already achieved your goals and adopted a new healthy lifestyle.
How much does weight loss surgery cost
Like I just mentioned before, weight loss surgery is expensive and if you’re able to afford it then you can afford a weight loss coach that will help you lose weight naturally and long term. Weight loss surgery’s like Liposuction and Bariatric surgery will cost you around fifteen thousand dollars, 3-5 times more expensive than working with a coach that will teach you how to lose weight the right way.
people think surgery will be fast and easy
The reason most people would rather have a surgery done than work with a coach is because they feel they don’t have to do any work to reach their goals. But like I said before, there are many major side effects that come with it and you would be better off continuing with your current life than having any of those procedures done. That’s how risky it is, you actually have a better chance of living if you just choose to do nothing than have them done. So your best option would be to hire a weight loss coach and finally get the results you really want, without major side effects.
The truth is losing weight is hard but trying to do it on your own is even harder and you have a much less chance of reaching your goals on your own. Every successful person in this world has had a mentor or a coach in their life that gave them the knowledge and support they needed to become the person they are today. Once you understand that it will be a lot easier to make the decision to hire a weight loss coach, one that you will never regret making. You will get to your goals and live the life you truly desire, surgery free.
The reason most people think weight loss is hard is because the only thing they focus on when it comes to losing weight is the grueling workouts and starvation diets that come with it. This is the furthest thing from the truth when it comes to weight loss. You don’t need extreme workouts or diets to lose weight, all you need is a lifestyle that consists of healthy eating and exercise. As long as you are eating less calories than your body is burning you will lose weight. It doesn’t take that much to achieve that result.
One positive thing about being overweight is that since you’ve been eating an excessive amount of calories over your body’s BMR, you’ve actually developed metabolic adaptation that has caused your metabolism to skyrocket, causing your body to burn calories at a faster rate. So when you cut back just a little bit on the calories you will already be in a caloric deficit and you will start to lose weight. You won’t even be eating too much less than you were eating before, but the important thing is that you choose to eat healthy and nutritious foods instead of empty calories that lack any benefit.
It’s really not that hard to make healthy foods taste good and that’s why it’s important to learn how to prepare healthy and tasty meals or you will find yourself going back to the dopamine producing drug they call “empty calories”. Not really empty if you ask me. Learning how to cook healthy and nutritious meals is a crucial step in the process of losing weight naturally.
Once you learn, you will have this knowledge with you for the rest of your life and you won’t ever need to worry about what to eat again. You can cook most of your meals and save a lot of money in the process. Yes, contrary to popular belief, healthy foods are actually a lot cheaper than junk foods. Once you learn how to shop for healthy foods the right way your grocery bills will be much cheaper. You will also spend a lot less money on restaurants, they can eat up a large portion of your income if you frequent them often.
Weight loss surgery alternatives
At this point you should already know what the alternative to weight loss surgery is and why you should never choose to have it done. I will just summarize them here and add in some additional ones to give you some other options to choose from. Weight loss coaching is the most effective method and hands down will get you the best results and the most guaranteed chance of reaching your goals. So what if you can’t afford any of these options and you pretty much have to do this on your own. Well I will teach you some other alternatives now. Just know they are not as effective and you really need to be a self starter and motivated person for them to work.
One thing you can do instead of going on a fad diet or joining a diet company like Jenny Craig, is do your own research and learn the proper way to lose weight on your own. Watch youtube videos of experts that know how or read articles like the one on this website. You can actually find all your answers right here without needing to go anywhere else. They will teach you exactly what you need to do so you don’t make any mistakes and make your problem worse than before.
Fad diets and diet companies, like I stated in this article, will only make the problem worse because they destroy your metabolism and your body’s ability to burn calories, making it much more difficult to lose weight. They do this to make their customers dependent on their diets so they become customers for life. Don’t get stuck in that trap. Learn how to do it the right way so you don’t have to be a slave to a diet company that is making large profits keeping you stuck and not able to lose weight on your own.
If you lack the self discipline and self drive to do it on your own then I suggest you read books and watch videos on how to increase your self control. The good news is self control is like a muscle, except it’s a muscle in your brain that you’re training to make stronger. The longer you stay committed and stick to your healthy lifestyle, the stronger that muscle becomes, making it easier and easier to stay disciplined. You are basically rewiring your brain to choose healthy habits over unhealthy ones. This is exactly how you form healthy habits and that’s why they say it takes 30 days to form a new habit. What you’re actually doing is changing the circuitry in your brain and creating new paths that are linked to those new habits. The longer you do it the stronger those paths become.
Eventually, those neural pathways become permanently wired into your brain structure and you form a permanent habit. If you ever heard the saying, cells that fire together wire together, that’s exactly what it means. The neurons in your brain are actually bonding to each other to form a stronger circuit, making it easier for information to pass through your brain. That information is the new habit you are trying to form. It’s no different than electrical wires in a house, once you set up the circuits, all you have to do is push a button and the lights turn on or off. There’s a lot more going on in the background than you can see but you don’t have to worry about that, all you have to do is make sure you’re getting the electricity you need. Once you have rewired your brain, sticking to your new habits is as easy as turning on a light switch. The old pathways will start to fade away, though they never completely go away and you always have to be mindful of them to make sure they never come back to life.
This is exactly what you are doing when you are working with a coach, the only difference is when you work with a coach, they are helping you create those new habits, when you are doing it on your own, you have to do it by yourself. That’s exactly why it’s a lot easier to have a coach by your side to make sure you stay committed and strengthen your self control muscles to the point of completely rewiring your brain. Then once you do you won’t need the coach anymore as you will have the new pathways to keep you on track and committed to your new healthy lifestyle. You can still have the coach to help you maintain but their role will be much different than when you were still in the process of achieving your goals.
It never hurts to have a coach in your life just to make sure you don’t slip up and go back to your old habits. Those old unhealthy pathways never completely go away. They will get weaker and weaker the longer you don’t use them but they will always be there waiting for you to start using them again. Like a phantom just waiting for you to start interacting with them again. If you do, those wires will light up once again and start to regrow and if you stay on that path, they will eventually grow stronger and begin the process of rewiring your brain again. This is why you need to always be on the lookout and make sure you never start up your old habits again. The good news is though, even if you do go back to your old habits, as long as you catch it early, those old pathways will never stand a flying chance at controlling your life ever again!
For more weight loss surgery alternatives, check out the Cardone Fitness blog here.
Just to conclude this article on why weight loss surgery doesn’t work long term I will sum up the main points we have discussed. The major reason why it doesn’t work for the long term is because you are not getting rid of or fixing the issues that caused the problem in the first place. You are focusing on the symptoms of the problem, not the cause of it. If you want to truly change your life and finally start living a healthy and happy life, you need to begin to adopt new healthy habits into your life. It’s the only way you will ever be able to safely and naturally lose weight.
Our society is obsessed with symptoms, we have medications for every one of them known to man, we even have drugs that fix the symptoms that other drugs cause. This is the main problem with our society and it’s the cause of the major health epidemics we are now facing. If we can refocus our attention on the things that are causing these problems, we can then finally stop the problems from developing in the first place. The problem with that is that curing diseases is not profitable enough for corporations. They need you to be sick so they can sell you all their miracle drugs that only focus on the symptoms and never address the cause, just so they can profit at your expense.
Now that you have this knowledge about what’s going on, I hope you use it to help you solve your problems and change your life for the better. Let’s face it, we will never be able to stop the external factors that impact our lives, but we can learn how to manage and protect ourselves from their negative effects. And if you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed and like you just can’t take it anymore, remember that you are not alone. There are people out there who want to help you, you just have to let them know you need it.
At Cardone Fitness that’s exactly what we do, we help people who are struggling to lose weight and are thinking about getting weight loss surgery. When you think about it, weight loss surgery isn’t really a solution to the problem. It’s just a band-aid that leaves behind all of your old habits and issues attached. You will still have the same issues around food and weight that you’ve had for years and it won’t just magically disappear for you after losing a few pounds. The only thing that will change is how you feel about yourself. You will feel like you have no other options, like your weight is just too big and that it’s impossible to lose weight the natural way. You’ll feel like you can’t do it under your own power. By that time, you’ll be stuck in the same trap again.
You will feel guilty and unworthy of being able to live a healthy life and you will waste away. You may even start to believe that you are lazy and have no right to be looking to better yourself.
The truth is that you are capable of being healthy and happy. You simply need to make the right choices in your life and stop making excuses for why you can’t do something. You have a right to be living a life that you love and you deserve to be able to do that without having to feel ashamed about it. And the best way to do that is through Weight Loss Coaching. Well, that’s it for today’s article. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a free consultation with us, just click on the button below and we will help you achieve your weight loss goal as soon as possible.