Cardone Fitness

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Losing Weight Has Nothing To Do With Diet And Exercise. This Is The Real Reason Why You Can't Lose Weight.

Over the years experts have changed their minds on what is the best macronutrient ratio for weight loss and perfect health. First they thought low fat was the best way to a bikini body since fat is what you're trying to lose. It makes sense, if you just stop eating fat then your body won't be able to get fat right. Well that was eventually proven to be the worst way to diet and it turns out is also very bad for your health. We now know fat is the most important macronutrient for our body’s and if you deprive yourself of it then you will develop all sorts of serious illnesses that could have easily been prevented.

So the next diet miracle they discovered was high protein with only a little bit of carbs. Now this way of dieting actually does help you lose weight but there's one thing that's wrong with it. It only works if you do it forever. Eat steak and eggs for the rest of your life and never touch a baked potato again. Sounds simple right? Well it turns out nobody that you would consider a normal human being can go their entire lives without eating a potato chip. I mean how could you live without carbs when they are pretty much the sole reason why most people live in the first place. Also, carbs are very essential to our body’s as well, just like fat. You just have to know when to eat them and how much, then you can enjoy them but still have that body you've always dreamed of.

After the whole high protein fad started to fade away a new fad needed to take the throne of the king of all diets. This diet you may have heard of is called Keto. Keto is basically just the opposite of high protein low carb. It’s high fat low carb with just a little bit of protein sprinkled on top. Sounds like the recipe for disaster at first but after people started getting insane results from it, it became the biggest thing since the British invasion, that’s not a joke. You can't go to a store or watch TV these days without seeing something that’s Keto. Everything is all about net carbs these days and nothing else matters. If it’s only 3 net carbs then eat as much as you want and you'll still lose 30 pounds. I mean who wouldn't want to eat a pound of bacon 3 times a day and still fit into those trendy skinny jeans.

Just like with every other diet of course there are going to be downsides to it. One thing is that all those sugar alcohols that you’re eating aren't actually keto. Yes, they still raise your blood sugar. So those chocolate chip cookies you've been eating everyday by the truck load that you thought were Keto, are actually kicking you out of ketosis. If you don't believe me just Google it and I will prove you wrong. There's just one sugar alcohol that is ok but most store bought Keto treats don't use it because it’s expensive and these companies care more about their bottom line than your waistline.

That’s not the only problem with Keto though, the list goes on. Another problem is just like with the Atkins diet, you have to do it every single day for the rest of your life. Once your start eating carbs all that hard earned fat loss will be lost forever and most likely you will never want to torture yourself with Keto again. So you just did all that work for nothing when you could have done it the right way from the start and be fit for the rest of your life but still get to enjoy all your favorite comfort foods you love. That's what I will explain now and it's actually a lot more simple than most people think. And it doesn't have anything to do with how much cardio you do or how much of a caloric deficit you’re in.

There's something called metabolic adaptation and it's fat loss’s arch nemesis. You do not want to experience this if you are trying to lose fat. It is the reason your low calorie diet works at first and then eventually stops working and you end up gaining all the weight back after you give up. Then it's even harder to lose weight the next time and you have to eat even fewer calories than before. This is what they call yoyo dieting and it’s what 99 percent of people go through for most of their lives. You even have people that are eating three stalks of celery a day and still can't lose any body fat.

If this is you and you've been extremely frustrated and feel stuck trying to lose weight then you just then today is your lucky day! The reason this happens is because of metabolic adaptation and this is a good thing because now you know why you can't lose weight. It's also the easiest thing to fix too so you will actually have to do less work now and eat more and still lose weight.

I have a very simple and easy yet extremely effective 3 step process to do it. You will finally lose that weight for good but also keep it off permanently for the rest of your life. Also you will be able to sculpt your body to the exact shape of your choosing. My favorite part about this process is that you don’t have to cut out the foods you love, I'm talking about the foods that actually taste good and don't require sugar alcohols or almond flour to fit your macros.

Oh and did I mention I do zero cardio? I almost forgot but yes I haven't done a single drop not, even one minute on the elliptical in over a year since I've discovered this amazing process. I also only hit the gym 3 days a week but of course if you just love working out and hitting the gym 7 days a week that’s fine too, but for us average folk this is something that is a dream come true.

So if you want to learn how to do this and finally get the body of your dreams fast, easy and for the rest of your life all you have to do is sign up for my FREE 21 Day Permanent Weight Loss Program to get started. Once you have this knowledge your life will never be the same again. So this is just a warning for anyone that is happy with their current life and doesn't want to reach their goals. If that's you and you enjoy doing things the hard way but never seeing any kind of real or lasting results that’s fine, all the power to you, keep doing you.

Now for everyone else who wants to achieve their fitness goals fast and easy and for the rest of their lives simply send me an email and I will tell you how it works. I'm looking forward to meeting you and having the opportunity to change your life for the better. Talk to you soon!

P.S. If you would like to join my FREE 21 Day Permanent Weight Loss Program, just click the learn more button and then send me a message so we can get you started. Talk to you soon!